It is recommended to download the game instead of playing it in the browser!

Known issues:

  • None for now.

Remember that having a lot of bugs is also a design aspect of Chaos!



The game features support for controllers. The controls listed below are for the Xbox Controller:

Move: WASD | Controller: Left Joystick

Sprint: Left Shift | Controller: LB or RB

Perform action/interact: Space | Controller: A

Place Explosive: J | Controller: X

Place Itching Bomb: K | Controller: Y

Place Sting Bomb: | Controller: B


Middle School Mayhem is an action game about a student who plans to free all the students from their boring and oppressive school. The student group gets bigger and more powerful as more students join in. The ultimate goal is to storm into the principal’s office and cause chaos in the school.


Under the hood:

The game is built with Unity 2021.2 using Cinemachine and some 2D packages (2D IK, Animation, Sprite, Sprite Shape, and others).

The game also features a custom Level Streaming system for faster scene loading and better overall performance.

Middle School Mayhem is open-source at under the GNU GPL v3 License. 

The Game Design Document (GDD) is also open-source and can be read here


The game is developed by TerraStudios and a collective of amazing developers:

Konstantin Milev - Lead Developer / Programming

Iman Syed - Game Design / Level Design / Sound Design

Jeffry Lay - 2D Art / Animations

Nikos Konstantinou - Programming / UI

Vivek Suley - Game Design / Level Design / QA

The team would like to send special thanks to:

Antoaneta Mileva - Backup artist

TerraStudios Discord Server:


Development status:

The project is considered "completed" and will only receive fixes for critical bugs that break gameplay functionality.


Middle School Mayhem 1.1 Windows 27 MB
Middle School Mayhem 1.1 macOS 36 MB
Middle School Mayhem 1.1 Linux 26 MB

Development log


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Haha Amogus teacher

(2 edits) (+1)

left shit

thanks for noticing it XD
